Buy your copy of my book, Soothe:

The Human Method™
with Nahid de Belgeonne

Move, breathe, sleep and live better

Rewire your brain and body to reduce burnout, stress, anxiety and trauma issues. Cultivate a compassionate relationship with yourself.

Cancelled trains. Overwhelming to-do lists and spiralling inboxes. WhatsApp chat stack-ups instead of real life catch-ups. We live in a disconnected world. Reconnect with yourself and live more fully through intelligent awareness and somatic movement therapy.

Do you struggle to fully relax and switch off, even on holiday? Are there aches and pains in your body that won’t go away, or tell-tale signs of stress such as migraines or IBS? Do you constantly feel like you’re in ‘freeze, fight or flight’ mode because of demanding schedules, and expectations?

Does everything feel chaotic, even though you’re working yourself to the bone to try and regain a sense of control?

The world we live in is busy, high-pressured and demanding. With so many demands on our attention, many of us are paying less and less attention to ourselves, with serious impact on our mental and physical wellbeing.

At the Human Method we work together to recalibrate your mind-body connection and cultivate greater awareness of breath, movement and posture so you can move more easily in a frantic world.

We offer programmes to reclaim your life after burnout, to calm your anxiety, and cultivate sustainable resilience. We also offer in person retreats and workshops.

"I always feel blissful after a class with Nahid."

Gemma Arterton, Actress

What does The Human Method™ offer?

The Soothe Programme

Self-paced + live sessions + private sessions

12 Weeks from Wired and Tired,
to Calm and Inspired.

Soothe Anxiety: 30 Day Somatic Release

A somatic awareness programme to cultivate
a nurturing self-practice.

Effective 30 mins lessons to reduce anxiety+ A private session to unlock your breathing patterns.

Soothe Day Retreat, London

Wired, tired, cranky, stressed and tense? 

Spend a whole day to unwind from the tensions of city living in your body and brain. Learn the art of nervous system regulation for better emotional health.

The Soothe Week, Lefkada Retreat

A whole luxurious week to unravel from the stresses of modern living. You will enjoy morning and evening workshops to oil your joints, ease your muscles and soothe your brain. You will leave feeling spacious and hopeful, with powerful strategies for emotional resilience.


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